The Profile Dossier: John Gottman, the Love Scientist
“Successful long-term relationships are created through small words, small gestures, and small acts.”
Good morning, friends!
Today, I sent a Profile Dossier on John Gottman to premium members. Gottman is absolutely fascinating, and he offers many practical tidbits that you can apply to your own life immediately after reading his profile.
Here’s an excerpt from the piece:
John Gottman, who has been called “the Einstein of Love,” has spent more than 40 years studying divorce prediction and marital stability. He’s researched all sorts of relationships over the decades by applying mathematics and creating what he calls “love equations.”
In his most famous study, Gottman set up an apartment-like laboratory called the “Love Lab” at the University of Washington. He videotaped thousands of newlyweds, which allowed him to dissect their interactions into hard, quantifiable data.
From the data he gathered, Gottman separated the couples into two major groups: the masters and the disasters. He found that the masters were still happily together after six years, whereas the disasters had either broken up or were chronically unhappy in their marriages.
Gottman has developed models, scales, and formulas to better predict marital stability and divorce in couples. His research focuses on the process of conflict within a marriage — the way couples fight and reconcile — and less on the content of the argument.
Here are the practical lessons we can apply to our own lives to make love last:
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– Polina