Just recently stumbled on your work Polina (through the Notes feature I think) and just love these profiles. Each one seems to be a 3-dimensional story of success, given its depth by charting the inner life of the successful person. So much more effective than a bullet list of competencies one should master in order to thrive. So much gold in this profile of Hans Zimmer, I've got multiple quotes to share forward, but this section on listening - "I listen to his words, and I listen to the story, but I try to listen beyond it as well,” - is particularly magnetic, and I can see you doing this in these profiles, but it seems inexplicable, the "how" of listening this way. There is a tuning and sensing that is beyond the rational frame and it seems to be the foundation of actual relationship with the object (or person) of focus. Just wanted to express my appreciation for these profiles and your process. Looking forward to what is to come!

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Oh man, you just made my entire life, Rick! I so appreciate you, and that's an incredible perspective. The part about listening is one of my absolute favorite things that I learned, too. The way I try to "listen beyond the story" is to notice which parts of their narrative they emphasize, which they downplay, and which they would rather avoid. Thank you so much for your feedback and observations, Rick. It really means a lot and makes writing these each week so worth it!

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Thank you for so fully receiving my enthusiasm! Your formula of paying attention to what a person emphasizes, downplays, and avoids could be the basis of a new form of personality assessment. You could call it the EDA profile! It would be a useful form of inquiry for anybody to use to understand themselves better. "What do I emphasize, downplay, and avoid—and why?"

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Thankyou! Keep up the good work. He is my all time fav work-music playlist!

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Thank you so much for reading, JS!

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Great piece Polina

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thank you so much, Didier!!

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