Apr 11, 2022Liked by Polina Pompliano

I stopped on the exact same day, Polina! One of the best decisions I've ever made. I, too, had convinced myself that I did my best work at night with wine. Silliness. Next up for me? Figuring out how to get at least 7 hours of sleep....One herculean task at a time, I say.

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Polina Pompliano

Wait until you visit Bulgaria and see how you can handle the "abstinence shaming", the "what happened to you?", "are you on antibiotics?" etc. I've had to deal with that for close to 8 years already, to the point that I occasionally will have a glass of something just to change the subject.

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i know!!! It's impossible!! "What do you mean you *don't* drink?"

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When you know your purpose, it makes it much easier to say “no thank you”

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Same here in Veneto Region, Italy, that it’s famous for its alcohol huge consuming. A region where Prosecco is a worldwide king and many other good tasting wines are made, together with Grappa. You can simply find dozens of wine and liquor variations.

When you don’t drink wine or beer, especially at dinner or at a pre-dinner when it’s used to consume the famous Aperol Spritz (I think the second liquid consumed here after water 😅), they look at you with a sense of alienation or like you are watching at a strange event or exotic animal.

“Are you sick?”, “Are you on some diet?”, “Well, so you are not a real veneto!”, and so on.

The truth is that when you don’t drink alcohol, you are better in many ways, and your body thanks you in various way you can’t feel, drinking.

I like wine and beer, I can define myself as a drinker, in the past, but I assumed them like any other, at dinner, at pre-dinner or, as you say Polina, as a creativeness driver.

At some point I felt the need to clean myself and take a new way to feel me better, and getting a cholecystectomy 2 years ago, during the pandemic, was a strong driver to make this feeling reality.

I’m a professional creative from decades and I deeply know the blank minute, hour or days, when you walk round and around to a solution, but it simply don’t arrive. But, alcohol is still not the definitive solution. It’s better walk, listen to music, or just take a little snap, or something else can give you a temporary mental relax. Often it’s just a momentary burnout, due to various stress sources (job, creative block, sons, family, news, ...).

That’s my two cents.

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Thanks for sharing this part of your life with us, Polina! One interesting bit of context on liquor stores being deemed essential came from this MEL piece: https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/why-are-liquor-stores-essential-businesses-they-keep-alcoholics-out-of-ers

It's certainly not a pro-drinking argument but was instructive to me on how cold turkey can *also* be a hazard in certain situations, versus the more casual drinker who stops.

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Yes! That's important context!! Thank you for sharing, James!

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Polina Pompliano

Timely topic, Polina.

As I reflect back on when I started drinking wine, I believe it was when we moved to the suburbs, had my first child of three, and began building new friendships.

Wine was not an immediate addition to my drinking days; it arrived slowly as we began hosting dinners in our new community.

Drinking wine became a social thing consumed with a dinner meal.

Fast forward to the present. Currently, I have a glass of wine occasionally, and I am noticing more restaurant diners are not drinking any alcohol.

Benefits: I sleep better, my skin looks better, and no more weight gain.

Water is my consistent beverage.


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Love that you made the change, Gladys! Water is a wonderful consistent beverage :)

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I saw your tweet this New Year's where you pointed out that quitting was a great decision and as I was feeling not too great from drinking my way in to the new year, I decided to follow suit and quit alcohol. Can attest to the final quote, haven't regretted it - at all. So thanks for nudging me along :)

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LOVE to hear this Sarah! Congrats, and keep going! :)

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I drank for 20 years, then quit cold turkey for 25 years. Those 26 years were my Most productive and raised 2 beautiful kids. Moved onto a Lake in MI and boating & drinking seemed to go hand in hand; drank for ~7 more years. But, Alcohol & Me just don’t work well together. I’m now 5 months into my Next 25 Sober and know that this is the way I need to finish out my life.❤️

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As someine who is sober (could not moderate or quit on my own)I was disappointed to see the Governor of NY post a photo of herself the opther day holding a glass of wine, announcing that restaurants/bars in the state can sell to-go booze and that she knows "we all need a drink" after the last few years. IMO that sets a very poor example. I live in LA and get offers from Doordash, UberEats etc regularly offering booze w/free delivery and I don't even need to order food. On one hand, if it means one less person drinking and driving (if he/she stays home to drink) then good, but making alcohol even easier to buy isn't a net positive for peeps like me. I see lots and lots of newcomers in recovery meetings the past few years....

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I gave it up around the same time as you! If you look at the benefits, it's like what they used to promise that snake oil would do. "More energy! Better sleep! Improved relationships!". The upside is amazing.

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I have stopped several times before, usually during a period of dieting for weight loss...which rarely seemed to help take off the pounds. But the last few years, I've actually found myself "craving" a drink much too often. My wife travels most of the week, and when I'm home alone at night, it's one of the first things I think about...having a drink. So, this past couple weeks I've been slowly using up all the vodka and bourbon I have (finished the last of it last night!). I am starting today to become a full time abstainer. One of the things that has disturbed me enough to come to this decision is the black outs I sometimes experience...it's scary to wake up with zero memory of some of the things you've said or done the night before! Thanks for the timely support Polina!

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Yes, blackout’s a Huge reason for me too😍

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Thanks for sharing your story, I stopped a long time ago and you'll find it actually gets much easier to say no in a social setting as time goes by. You get more confident in your decision and the benefits are quite clear!

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I quit drinking two Thanksgivings ago and I haven't missed it sense. Tracking my Sleep and Recovery with WHOOP was part of the reason why I stopped. The juice simply wasn't worth the squeeze. I'd rather get a good nights sleep and feel good in the morning. I haven't missed it at all.

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I am 34 years old and have never taken one sip of alcohol In my life. Primary reason is my religion the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon or LDS). We have a rule or commandment called the word of wisdom which advises against drinking any form of alcohol (but it can be used for medicinal purposes). I believe it has benefitted my health and life to not drink. Great post!

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Thanks for writing this. I spent major part of my life in India, and I was born and raised in one of the state/province where alcohol is banned (although people manage to get it without much trouble).

In my whole life, I have never ever had a sip of alcohol. But I have seen ample number of people destroying their life as well as their families. I speak specifically about the people who work on daily wages and at the end of day, spend more than 50% of the earning on alcohol. Lot of people would be surprised to know that the people I am referring to earn 2-2.5 USD a day, and spend half of it on alcohol. The quality of that alcohol is questionable. However, it is sold and people drink it. The post-drink problems range from abusing life-partner, spending less on food and basic necessities, long-term health issues. I wish more and more people from this side of spectrum give a thought on giving up alcohol.

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Another interesting take on alcohol is the annual physical. Even though it's still you and still the same doctor, you have to fill out the same three pages on the clipboard before seeing the doctor. I don't remember if it says, Do you use alcohol or Do you drink? My answer is always, Yes. How often? comes the next question. Well, I don't drink alone and I haven't been able to get out, socialize and see my friends so I guess the answer for 2021 would be zero. But I would love a glass of champagne if this global pandemic ever dials down.

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Thank you for publishing this story Polina!

Its very prescient as I have 3 friends (whom I would have never imagined) of all ages and backgrounds struggling with addiction and alcohol abuse.

I gave up drinking 15 years ago and haven’t missed it one bit.

I don't really preach the positive virtues being alcohol free has bestowed on my life and I enjoy being the designated driver.

If folks want to drink, it doesn't bother me.

But I am noticing lately addiction is becoming an epidemic around me!

How could I have so many people in my ring of life with problems I never suspected emerging?These addiction issues are occurring thru hard working successful people in my life who in some cases have let their lives crumble and evaporate to remain in a world that is hurting them and their loved ones?

Thank you for shedding light on a dangerous problem that is tearing at the fabric of good families at such an important moment in our world history.

I hope we can bring our society back from the brink of this often hidden disaster lurking behind many families lives.

Please keep up the good work writing, you and your family are a great inspiration!

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I’m now taking my third break from alcohol in the last 15 years, starting at the beginning of this year. Unless I can stay at or below three glasses per week, it has to go, permanently. I see no benefits, only the risk of harm. For me, the buzz is a crutch, and this time around, not drinking feels like taking the red pill.

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